» Help

    1. What is RSS?
      1. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.
      2. An RSS feed is simply a list of items, each containing a headline, description, and a link to a web page.
      3. Websites provide RSS feeds so you can subscribe to their content and receive updates automatically.
    2. How to use RSS Feed?
      1. To view RSS feeds, user will need a reader. The reader checks the feeds that are subscribed to and displays any new content.
      2. User don't have to check individual websites for updates. A reader will automatically check for new content.
      3. Each feed is treated like a folder with a number next to the name of the feed that shows how many new stories in the feed.
    3. Where to get an RSS Reader?
      1. There are hundreds of RSS Readers available on the internet and the majority are free to download and use.
      2. There are 3 types of RSS reader:
        1. Desktop Application
        2. Web-based readers
        3. Web browser Built-in RSS Reader
    4. How to subscribe RSS Feed?
      1. If using Desktop Application RSS Reader, copy the URL address and follow the instruction provided in the RSS reader.
      2. Using web browser, click on the link to subscribe the feed.